Membership Meeting Sunday the 25th
Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:
Our monthly membership meeting is at 4 pm this Sunday at the Central Hillside Community Center, 12 E 4th St.
Everyone is welcome. We will continue to develop an approach to the housing issue specific to Duluth's needs and our abilities. DSA has adopted housing justice as a major area of focus, with a new committee that is to be elected by representatives from each chapter. But there are plenty of other things going on as well, from Line 3 activism to Krysten's Climate Emergency Event.
Here is our full agenda :
Introductions first, then....
1. Debriefing from last meeting --Lydia
2.. Lydia convention report
3. Joel's DSA elected officials conference report
4. Housing
a. DSA has housing as a national priority, so we need a housing point person who can participate occasionally and keep us updated.
b. Review Joel’s presentation and the possibility of the Housing 250 campaign
c. Report from Affordable housing coalition
d. Action item
5. Internal organizing update. Review John's handout and survey questions. Divide contacts after meeting.
6. Late Summer Picnic or other fun activity! Let’s get together for some fun before the we freeze solid for the winter.
7. Upcoming events (Pride fest, Pride Parade, MN350 Line 3 Event Sept 28th)
8. Treasurer's report
9. Secretary’s report
10. Other business
11. Adjourn!
I hope to see you there.
In Solidarity,
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA
Twin Ports DSA · PO Box 16663 · Duluth, MN 55816-0663 · USA
Images From the Convention, by Lydia Goustin
Twin Ports DSA only had one delegate to the rather large national DSA convention that was in Atlanta this year (they take place every other year). We chose Lydia Goustin. Lydia is a graduate student at UMD, and, I suspect, hopes that Medicare for All passes sooner rather than later. Photo captions are written by Lydia.
This is me and my roommate Laura Helena --she was from Quad Cities DSA (Iowa/Illinois) -- was a surprising coincidence to be with another similarly sized unhelpfully named chapter -- there was more often than not some explaining to do (as I recall the nice Milwaukee delegate I met was one of the only people I encountered who had heard of Duluth). [note: Lydia has the lighter hair on the left]
This was us at the Martin Luther King Memorial
This was from a local Abolish ICE protest I went to on Saturday night
This was later in the afternoon when people were tired and cranky and this dude in front of me was not the only person visibly exhausted by the proceedings.
Twin Ports DSA Resolution on City Warming Shelter
Our resolution regarding Duluth’s warming shelter policy can be found online here.
Twin Ports DSA Resolution in Opposition to Line 3
Our resolution in opposition to Enbridge Corporation's Line 3 project can be found here.
Short Film: When Abortion Was Illegal (1992)
Twin Ports DSA supports equal rights for women, and their struggle against systematic oppression. We reject all infringements on bodily integrity.