About The Meetings

 At the core of DSA, and our chapter, are the meetings. We meet in person and with hybrid meetings, and also some by zoom only.

The month membership meetings. These are open to all, members and non-members alike, and usually take place on the second Sunday of the month at 4 pm, at the Central Hillside Community Center, 12 E 4th St in Duluth. Use the side classroom door. We try to limit the business side of the meeting to 1 hour, and then switch to a different focus every month, perhaps a presentation followed by a discussion. This part of the meeting is called the coffee hour, and it’s more free flowing and fun.

Working Group Meetings. Currently we have the Eco-socialist Working Group (focused on housing justice for now), the Racial Justice Working Group (working on taillight repair right now), the Labor Solidarity Group, and the Medicare for All/Minnesota Health Plan Group. Some meet weekly, some meet bi-weekly, and others meet as needed. This is where we plan events, organize, and get the work done, together.

Book Club meetings. Our book club usually meets the Sunday morning of the membership meetings, at 11:30 am, with treats and coffee. It’s a lot of fun and the books range widely, though we usually focus on something political. If you like to talk about ideas and left-wing politics, this is for you. Location varies.

Electoral Work. We endorse candidates, usually fellow members who are taking the scary leap into politics, and we do our best to support them. Usually some of our members are directly involved in the campaigns, and we encourage that. We also do some coordinated door-knocks, and encourage members to give it a shot. Door knocking, whether for a candidate or an issue, can be invigorating, and it’s guaranteed that you will build up your organizing strength in the process.

Social gatherings. Anywhere from a back yard party to a meet-up at a coffee shop, it’s good for members to get together casually, and we sometimes do. Many friendships have been forged through our chapter.

For information on the general meetings, please sign up for our regular mailing list. To get added to our working group or book club email groups, please send a note to dsa.duluth@gmail.com and we will set you up! You do not have to be a DSA member to participate in any of our groups, but we do reserve the right to occasionally suggest that you join : )