Twin Ports DSA has several working groups that meet regularly and focus on specific issues or projects. To join any of these groups, please email
Trans Solidarity
The Trans Solidarity Working Group meets in person bi-weekly. To become involved, and to get access to their Discord server, email For information about DSA’s national Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy campaign, go here:
The Ecosocialist working group is working mostly on housing issues as part of the Green New Deal platform. We support proactive housing solutions at the state and local level, we organize around local issues, and we seek mutual aid opportunities. If you would like to be involved with the Ecosocialist Working Group, email
Palestine Solidarity
Our Palestine Solidarity working group supports and coordinates the efforts of many groups in the Twin Ports supporting Palestine liberation. Documentary screenings, protests, and educational campaigns are all part of this important work. This group meets weekly via Zoom. To get involved, email
Labor Solidarity
The Labor Solidarity working group is dedicated to labor outreach and support in the Twin Ports area. They have donated to strike funds, supported pickets, and dispersed information regarding worker’s rights. This group also organizes an annual May Day event. To get involved, email
Racial Justice & Tail Light Repair
The Racial Justice working group is not currently meeting on a regular basis, but they did great work and continue to run the Mutual Aid Tail Light Repair project. This group cooperated with local groups to pass a some police reforms, which you can learn more about at LEAN Duluth, this Duluth News Tribune article, and this accompanying podcast here.
Healthcare for All
We currently have one dedicated member who organizes with Healthcare for All MN. Through this connection, we are able to promote petitions and news, support projects, and occasionally host events. To join this work, email