DSA's mission and shared vision is a humane international social order based on equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships. Equality, solidarity and democracy can only be achieved through international political and social cooperation ensuring that economic institutions benefit all people.
Follow us here, and to join DSA and our chapter, click here. To get involved with a working group, please go to this form here.
Join The Movement for a Free Palestine
“The establishment won’t stand up for Palestinians and is turning a blind eye to genocide.
From the streets to the halls of power, we must stand up against the war machine and say: No Money For Massacres.
We can and must fight back, right inside the halls of power. That is why we call upon all comrades to call their congress members, and let them know we stand in solidarity in the fight for Palestinian survival and liberation.”
Email dsa.duluth@gmail.com to join our local organizing efforts with our Palestine Solidarity Working Group.
Make Duluth a Housing First City, and much more. Our Ecosocialist Working Group has been organizing around housing issues. To become involved, email dsa.duluth@gmail.com .
Are you considering seeking our endorsement when you run for office? Make sure you check out our endorsements section. the 2024 Election season has started!
Monthly meetings are usually hybrid (in person and zoom). Other meetings outdoors or inside or zoom as announced.
General Meeting: 2nd Sunday of each month at 4 pm
Chapter Check-in (casual): mid-month, usually 6 pm
Steering Meeting: 1st Sunday of each month at 4 pm.
Racial Justice Working Group meets weekly, Thursdays, 6 pm (varies).
Ecosocialist Working Group meets weekly, Tuesdays, 7 pm (varies).
Labor Outreach Group meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 7 pm
Housing Justice Working Group issues are currently being handled by the Ecosocialist Working Group
The Medicare For All/Minnesota Health Plan group meets as needed.
Email secretary@twinportsdsa.org to participate in any of our meetings and committees.
Want to join but are short on funds? Here’s a simple dues waiver.
Better Communities, Better World.
Medicare for All, A Democratic Economy, The Green New Deal, Electoral Power, Strong Unions, Racial Justice, Housing For All, and a Clean Great Lakes Watershed. If this sounds both far reaching and exciting, you’ve come to the right place.
“We’re not interested in losing and we’re not interested in performing our politics, … We’re here to win. And at a grand scale we want to transform society.”
-Maria Svart, DSA’s national director, speaking at the 2019 DSA convention.